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Other Academic Activities

Journal Positions 




Guest Lecturer


  • Hofstra University (Oct. 2023): What is EUrope? From Founding Values to Contemporary Realities

  • Bertelsmann Foundation (July 2023), title tbc. 

  • University of Liège (2023): Analyser la littérature grise Une méthodologie pour la recherche archivistique des discours institutionnels

  • Harvard-MIT Belgian Society (2022): Ukraine’s Relationship with the European Union in Light of the Russo-Ukrainian War: Historical Conceptions of Europe and Path to EU Membership

  • Princeton University (2022): Communicating EUrope: Discourse, Legitimacy, and Crises, EU Program at Princeton seminar

  • Sofia University (2019): Les interprétations de l’Europe par les institutions de l’Union européenne

  • University of Amsterdam (Oct. 2018): Governing Identity or How the EU Institutions Have Shaped the States’ Europeanness

  • University of Amsterdam (Sept. 2018): In Search of the "European State": Findings, Methodological Approach and Challenges



Conference Presentations 


APSA (Quebec, 2022), MPSA (Chicago, 2022), EUSA (Pittsburgh, 2023; Miami, 2022; Denver, 2019), SPSA (San Antonio, 2022), IPSA (Brisbane, 2018; Online, 2021), CES (Online, 2021), UACES (Online, 2020), ECPR (Online, 2020), Hebrew University of Jerusalem(2018), University of Amsterdam (2018), University of Liège (2018), Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (Brussels, poster, 2018), Euroacademia (Florence, 2017)



Organized Conferences, Workshops, and Panels & Chair and Discussant Roles 


  • Co-panel Chair (with Professor Thomas Smith), Panel "Institutions and Ideas", EUSA Biennal Conference, Pittsburgh, May 2023. 

  • Workshop Organizer“Working at the European Parliament” workshop with Samia Benbouazza, online, Nov. 2022. 

  • Workshop Organizer“The Blue Blook Traineeship at the European Commission” workshop with Lara Lombard, online, Oct. 2022.

  • Co-panel Chair and Co-discussant (with Professor Matthias Matthijs), Panel "European Crises and Crisis Management", APSA Annual Conference, Montreal, Sept. 2022. 

  • Co-panel Chair and Co-discussant (with Professor Willem Maas), Panel "European Identities", APSA Annual Conference, Montreal, 2022. 

  • Chair and DiscussantPanel "Brexit Fallout: The Consequences of Leaving the EU", EUSA Conference, Miami, 2022. 

  • “How to write a scientific paper in social sciences” workshop” (Liège, 2020)

  • Panel Chair and Organizer, Panel “Identity(ies)-building in the EU: discourse, actors and dynamics”, IPSA World Congress,  online, 2021. 

  • Panel Chair and Discussant, Panel “Les émotions dans le discours (des) politique(s) : construction des identités collectives et individuelles”, “Médias, Emotions, et Politique” Symposium, University of Liège, 2019. 

  • Symposium Co-organizer, “Médias, Émotions et Politiques”, University of Liège, 2019.

  • Workshop Organizer, “Discourse Analysis” workshop, University of Liège, 2019.

  • Workshop Organizer“How to do interviews” workshop, University of Liège, 2018.

  • Conference Co-organizer, 12th “Après-midi de recherche” of the Department of Political Science”, University of Liège, 2018. 

  • Workshop Organizer“Sit down and write!" workshop, University of Liège, 2018. 


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