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NYU-UN Innovation Day

The New York University - United Nations Innovation Day was yet another example of the invaluable benefits of strong connections between academia and multilateral diplomacy. 

Some highlights included the strong emphasis on the power of storytelling and multilingualism in driving innovation and inclusion. The speakers also underscored the crucial role of diversity in the workplace. I was particularly inspired by the call to step out of our comfort zone and serve as a bridge between people from diverse origins, backgrounds, and linguistic contexts. 

Another standout activity was the roundtable discussions aiming at generating innovative ideas on various UN topics. These collaborative sessions exemplified how debates between scholars and international civil servants can lead to fresh perspectives on a range of issues that impact us all. 

To me, such events only reaffirm the added value of fostering synergies between IOs and academia to achieve better-informed decisions and results-driven initiatives. 


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